Although a facsimile system can easily handle statements of account and tables of statistics, it is less confidential than transmission by letter.
In facsimile system, a rectangular area, the width of which is the available line and the length of which is determined by the service requirements.
This paper introduces a digital facsimile system based on the platform of ARM processor and LINUX OS, in which the features of function and system architecture are given.
The Inmarst system offers the user a large and growing range of voice band data and facsimile services.
Either party may by notice to the other change the address, telex or facsimile number or electronic messaging system ore-mail details at which notices or other communications are to be given to it.
The hardware and software scheme of access system of meteorological facsimile image are given on the basis of facsimile signal characteristics.
The hardware and software scheme of access system of meteorological facsimile image are given on the basis of facsimile signal characteristics.