Why some social sites have great success while others fail to reach out to the users?
But it says many other countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, will fail to reach that target.
Using a spam filtering solution catches a significant amount of spam, but many fail to reach 100 percent reliability.
Perfectly eatable fruit and vegetable crops often fail to reach supermarkets due to their size or physical appearance.
Where the other partners fail to reach a consensus on the matter, the partner in question shall retire from the partnership.
Experience is usually applied in maintenance for widening curve railway, but maintaining quality fail to reach the requirement.
Should the two parties fail to reach an agreement will be settled by arbitration according to Clause 12 of the contract thereof.
Should the two parties fail to reach an a GREement will be settled by arbitration according to Clause 12 of the contract thereof.
Why, if children are actually born with the necessary skills to be successful learners, do so many fail to reach their potential?
Of course, the Jade Emperor was deeply curious as to why a strong and flying creature such as the dragon should fail to reach first.
If the opened reservoirs fail to reach their planned productions, a conventional oil-pipe injection will be used to modify the reservoirs.
At least 5 million people living with HIV still do not have access to life-prolonging treatment and care. Prevention services fail to reach many in need.
About 10% of school-age children have persistent and significant difficulties with math, while many more fail to reach basic levels of mathematics achievement.
The risk remains, however, that Congress will fail to reach a deal in time, piling immediate, chaotic spending cuts of about 44% on top of the current malaise.
If the Contracting Parties fail to reach a settlement by negotiation, they may agree to refer the dispute for decision to some person or body for mediation.
If the penalty points of a motorized vehicle driver fail to reach 12 points in one scoring cycle and if the fines have all been paid, the points will be eliminated.
In this 2-part series we will focus on the importance of partnership, define it, and explore why partnerships regularly fail to reach their potential in organizations.
If the penalty points of a motorized vehicle driver fail to reach 12 points in one scoring cycle but the fines have not been paid up, the points will also be eliminated.
Where the other partners fail to reach a consensus on the matter, the partnership shall return to the successor in question the share of property of the deceased partner.
This may be because they fail to reach the part of the body where they are intended to work—many molecules, for example, cannot cross from the bloodstream into the brain.
If they fail to reach an agreement, the two parties shall share the technological achievement reasonably in proportion to their contributions to the accomplishment thereof.
Every year, more than 200 million children under five years old fail to reach their full cognitive and social potential. Most of these children live in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Unless they are resolved, a potentially highly profitable way of delivering services to consumers will fail to reach its full potential, as users shy away and regulators start to interfere.
Japan has hit a "critical point" where it risks losing investor confidence if politicians fail to reach agreement on how to rein in the ballooning national debt, a cabinet minister has warned.
If they fail to reach an agreement, and the immovables or movables owned by them can be severed and its value will not be reduced because of such severance, the actual property shall be severed;
If they fail to reach an agreement, and the immovables or movables owned by them can be severed and its value will not be reduced because of such severance, the actual property shall be severed;