Another 340 charge that foreign companies "dumped" their products in the United States at "less than fair value."
But broader measures of PPP suggest the yen is close to fair value.
If it pays fair value or less, Banks might be reluctant to participate.
Now it is close to its fair value against the dollar and looks cheap against the euro.
The index is a lighthearted attempt to gauge how far currencies are from their fair value.
Fair value is perhaps most worrying for auditors, who are often blamed for faulty accounts.
It is hard to judge whether the overall proportion of assets held at fair value will fall, but it seems highly likely.
The Economist's Big Mac Index, a light-hearted guide to how far currencies are from fair value, provides some answers.
But the median American bank values its loans at only slightly below fair value, so the overall impact would be modest.
Singapore is also closer to fair value, according to The Economist's long-run average ratio of house prices to rents.
In both Japan and Germany the housing market is drifting even further below fair value: homes were already cheap and are growing cheaper.
However, the relationship between prices and GDP per head can be used to estimate the short-term fair value of a currency relative to others.
Of the seven currencies that make up the Federal Reserve's major-currency index, only one (the Australian dollar) is within 10% of its fair value.
On the same day America's Financial Accounting Standards Board unveiled proposals requiring Banks to report the fair value of loans on their books.
The three banks are understood to feel that the market has known about the arrangement long enough for the current price to reflect fair value.
Most observers, including the IASB, reckon this will cut the proportion of assets held at fair value, which is about 50% for big European firms.
If that judgment is right, the squalls stirred up by the credit crises have moved at least one currency-the world's reserve money-closer to fair value.
This said it was "obvious" markets had failed and that companies should be allowed to suspend fair value for "sound" assets that had suffered "undue valuation".
For low-risk banks, this would make little difference: both HSBC and Santander report that the fair value of their loan books is slightly above their carrying value.
Not only are real interest rates negative, but inflation is also helping to bring the housing market back to fair value with a smaller fall in prices than otherwise.
The euro, despite its troubles, continues to be expensive when compared with many other rich-world currencies, though the British pound is trading close to its fair value.
This reflects that any estimate of fair value is just that: an estimate, not a precise figure, so the margin of safety provides a much-needed cushion against errors and misfortunes.
Although the two boards are close with respect to accounting principles, they diverge on actual rules regarding how to recognise bad debt and book changes in the fair value of loans.
All accounting regimes are flawed, and fair-value is no exception.
New research suggests that the increasing reach of fair-value accounting might be a mixed blessing.
New research suggests that the increasing reach of fair-value accounting might be a mixed blessing.