Tears flow cheek, have tasted the bitter flavor, and then fall on the back of the hand.
The boy would then fall to the grass, get up, without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again, still with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened.
Allowing one customer to dictate my hours was the worst mistake I ever made as when that contract was over I had nothing to fall back on.
The height of the fall is so great that the stream of water atomizes into a cloud of mist, then trickles back together at the bottom of the plunge and continues on through a cascading run of rapids.
I even wrote a novel about how people needed to fall back on antiquated technology to survive the storm when everything else failed.
Believers, of course, can fall back on the logically less rigorous support that they characterize as faith.
Low-income countries, weakened by high food and fuel prices over the last year, “have little to fall back on in terms of sheltering the vulnerable.
In the absence of figures from the practitioners, experts tend to fall back on surveys of victims, often compiled by firms that sell security software.
Sandel swayed, but did not fall, staggering back to the ropes and holding on.
He seeks "a rational explanation for a truly chaotic conflict" and refuses to fall back on easy answers like the wanton savagery of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness".
By 2010, moreover, Mr Obama will no longer be able to fall back on the excuse that all of this was beyond his control.
As housing sales fall and developers cut back on new projects, demand for the steel, cement and copper that go into new buildings has weakened.
Most of the time, when people ask broad questions about difficult issues, they're not so much looking for answers as for authority, for a safety net to fall back on.
In the wake of the Dubai debacle, lenders to the Gulf may favour those states that can fall back on "real assets", such as gas and oil.
What I found is that unless I am on top of my game and choosing to “be productive”, I easily fall back into the pit of procrastination, where time is never “of the essence”.
What I found is that unless I am on top of my game and choosing to "be productive", I easily fall back into the pit of procrastination, where time is never "of the essence".
In the service economy there aren't great ways of measuring productivity, so a lot of the time people fall back on these old tools.
In each case, the youngster was trying to urinate on his own and had lifted the toilet seat, only to have it fall back down.
O.K., it's a little facile. But what I'm trying to do here is spin the cliche, not fall back on it.
On Monday, Hank Paulson, America's Treasury secretary, was hailed for bringing back moral hazard, or the risk of failure, to the banking system by letting Lehman fall into Chapter 11.
Most players who want to make it to the pros don’t have an education to fall back on when things don’t work out.
After several long, thinly veiled discussions on God, love, poetry, matted back hair and dank spider-holes, the King and Zabibah eventually fall deep in love.
Cosco is the latest shipping company to report a fall in trans-Pacific shipments and has cut back services on the once-lucrative route.
Faced with the "blooming, buzzing confusion" of the real world, policymakers often fall back on the highest-order principles and the broadest presumptions.
Many were under the delusion that their sports, acting, or music talent was their key to success and they did not need an education to fall back on.
If Ukraine were kept out, it could easily fall back under the sway of a newly resurgent Russia; and the knock-on effects for other vulnerable places, such as Georgia and Moldova, could be serious.
Of course, you can imagine the thoughts of Louis XVI as they were cutting back his hair to await the fall of the guillotine on the 21st of January, 1793.
Mr Papaconstantinou insists that Greece does not plan to fall back on support from the EU and IMF.
Mr Papaconstantinou insists that Greece does not plan to fall back on support from the EU and IMF.