The U. S. Dollar Bond is fallen one with the regular and the attached which can be bought and sold freely.
The fallen angels are entering the magnificent structure of pandemonium, and at one instant all of the angels shrink in order to fit into the building.
Had Iberia fallen to one of BA's European rivals, and its position would have been badly weakened.
One morning, Henry found that a deep snow had fallen, and the cold wind was blowing.
One old idiom is "luoyeguigen", which means returning to one's homeland at the old age, like fallen leaves return to the roots of their trees.
And yet, little by little, I began to understand: I wasn't the only one to have fallen from the plane - everyone, passengers, captain, crew, they all fell. Mummy, too.
But California cannot pass timely budgets even in good years, which is one reason why its credit rating has, in one generation, fallen from one of the best to the absolute worst among the 50 states.
It was then I finally realised I had been duped - fallen for one of the most basic tricks social hucksters use!
The one in Punjab has fallen from a couple of metres below the surface to, in parts, hundreds of metres down.
Since 1926, the United Statesstockmarket has fallen only one year out of every three—but it hassuffered four such years already this decade.
How many more tears from these boys and men might have fallen if they had the knowledge that only one-third of them would return?
The study found one in four people have missed an important appointment and nearly one in five have fallen out with a friend over a forgotten date or event.
Prices have already fallen by up to one-third in some neighborhoods of Shenzhen, the city most affected by the real estate bust.
Excluding oil, the trade deficit has fallen by almost one-quarter since 2006.
At one point the Dow Jones industrial average had fallen than 700 points, its biggest intraday drop ever.
Students’ mobility among institutions, one of Bologna’s goals, has fallen because study programmes are more intense and universities do not give credit for one another’s coursework.
The underlying theme is often one where a man has “fallen in love” with a woman, and then he goes through many herculean challenges to win her over.
The Spanish stockmarket is one of Europe’s worst performers, having fallen by around a third, in dollar terms, since the start of 2010.
Had Iberia fallen to one of ba's European rivals, its position would have been badly weakened.
That vision of public education is a compelling one, although America has often fallen short in its pursuit of the ideal.
So the assumption in the IEA's new report, that oil production will hold steady when the global resource has fallen "to around one half by 2030" looks unsafe.
The rand, which has already fallen sharply, remains one of the most vulnerable emerging-market currencies.
Collier argues that these countries have fallen into one, or more, of four traps from which it is virtually impossible to escape.
The restrictions will be triggered when a stock has fallen by 10% or more in one day.
So two possible negative effects--the taste is just a tease, the how the noble have fallen--on the one hand.
More than one marriage has fallen apart as the result of one partner's becoming too focused on autism to attend to his spouse.
The benchmark three-month rate at which Banks borrow from one another has fallen sharply over the past month.
The spotlight has now fallen on China, which has one of the biggest nuclear-power-plant building plans in the world.
The houses have changed since they were painted: the facade of one has fallen.
The houses have changed since they were painted: the facade of one has fallen.