Falling debris rained on us from above.
When buildings collapse, people are frequently pinned under falling debris.
Police feared multiple deaths, including in two buses that were crushed by falling debris.
As soon as I went upstairs, I looked out the window, and I see falling debris and people.
Of the 270 people who died, 189 were Americans; 11 were killed on the ground by falling debris.
Therefore, when Earth crosses this orbit, the radiant point of falling debris appears in Perseus.
Such minor damage as was suffered by the machine was probably due to falling debris from the house.
Many people outside on the streets are wearing safety hats to protect them in case of falling debris .
Someone had better call the congressional doctor and check the Capitol building for chunks of falling debris.
The United States of America NASA said satellite falling debris, led to public safety risk is very small.
Protect a casualty from falling debris and dust by using blankets, tarpaulins, corrugated iron sheets, etc.
A small plume of dust is even visible to the centre left of the image, which was kicked up by the falling debris.
This photo shows that by following the above, you will be not be directly hit by falling debris when the ceiling collapses.
The architect nestled the building into the side of a hill to stabilise the earth and reduce the possibility of falling debris.
And besides, in the 54-year history of the space age, no one has ever been hit by falling debris, despite a steady rain of satellites and rocket bodies.
Yes, Christchurch was very badly damaged (and aftershocks abound), and the city centre is under curfew (mainly because of the danger of falling debris).
Many of the 120 fatalities from the 1933 Long Beach earthquake occurred when people ran outside of buildings only to be killed by falling debris from collapsing walls.
On last Monday, the building's architect had examined how the nest could be rebuilt in a way that would satisfy bird lovers and eliminate the possibility of falling debris.
Neutral medium, it should be chosen for the copper alloy shell material valve solenoid valve, or valve shells falling debris often rust, especially the movements do not frequent occasions.
Debris was falling all over the place.
After the explosion he ran to the Windows and saw the debris falling, and sheets of white building material, and then something else.
If you are in a mountainous area, or near unstable slopes or cliffs, be alert for falling rock and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake.
Does debris from falling satellites have the appearance of the debris silhouetted against the Moon?
Since the tamping foot remains on the ground during the compacting process, there is no risk of flying debris and no danger from a falling weight as with conventional dynamic compaction.
Cushions in schools can also be used to protect children's heads against glass and concrete debris falling from the building in an earthquake.
Cushions in schools can also be used to protect children's heads against glass and concrete debris falling from the building in an earthquake.