Rents are falling, too, as the mass of empty space coming on to the market in areas such as London strengthens tenants’ bargaining-power.
Signs that BAE is shaking off a reputation for inept project management can be seen both in its home market, where cost overruns and delays are falling, and in export markets.
The housing market is in turmoil: construction has plunged, house prices are falling and there seems no end in sight.
In 2009 falling prices, combined with a flurry of deals, announcements and technical upgrades, primed the market for a vast expansion.
The resulting boom in home-ownership has been a huge factor in the emergence of a prosperous middle class—now grappling with the unfamiliar horrors of a falling market (see article).
Yahoo, based in Sunnyvale, California, dropped 5 cents to $23.47 at 4 p.m. New York time on the Nasdaq Stock Market after falling 10 percent yesterday.
In November, memory market researchers DRAMeXchange reported that improvements in yields via new technology combined with falling consumer demand meant that DRAM prices have dropped significantly.
Sterling was overvalued; it is now falling; in time exports will respond (perhaps quite a long time, as Britain's main export market is sluggish Europe).
However, traders in the physical oil market said supplies were now beginning to drop into balance with falling demand.
While the schemes to help debtors in distress are harder to fault, many question the wisdom of coaxing first-time buyers into a falling market.
But the market for compact and smaller cars is extremely competitive in China, and falling prices have pinched car makers' profits.
As everyone in the West knows to their cost, nothing puts a stop to consumer spending like a falling housing market.
However, in 2000 the proportion shot up to 25%, before falling back to the teens during the bear market.
Tax breaks to homeowners provided only a temporary respite for a falling market and millions of Americans are living in homes worth less than they paid for them.
Banks are in trouble and as you know - they're starting to fail because they the value of their assets in the market is falling rapidly.
In the meantime, America's overall market position in Asia is falling victim to the interests of a select few.
The two mortgage giants have been severely weakened by the current turmoil in the U.S. housing market, which has seen a dramatic rise in foreclosures, and falling home values across the country.
Apple's stock immediately dipped on foreign exchanges Monday, falling 6 percent in Germany. Monday is a market holiday in the United States.
Because financial intermediaries need to limit their leverage in a falling market, they sell assets (again, the system is pro-cyclical).
With sales of new homes hitting a six-month low in August, after falling for the fourth time in as many months, a robust recovery in the housing market remains a distant prospect.
When you buy the corn from the cash market, you can sell short a futures contract of the same amount com on the futures market in anticipation of the com prices falling.
Large heavyweight stocks were generally lower in all sectors of the market, with PTT falling 4.5% to 257 baht, Bangkok Bank down 4.1% at 17.50 baht and Krung Thai Bank 7.2% lower at 12.90 baht.
股市所有板块的大型重量级股票普遍下跌,PTT下挫4.5%至257泰铢,盘谷银行(Bangkok Bank)跌4.1%至17.50泰铢,泰京银行(KrungThai Bank)跌7.2%,至12.90泰铢。
Emerging-market countries have accounted for more than 100% of the increased demand for oil, while falling demand for wine in rich countries is matched by rising demand elsewhere.
Overall the market reaction to the new plans was not positive, with shares falling early in the trading day Wednesday, followed by a slight recovery.
Spring Festival is approaching, the turnover trend in the property market hot zone is cooling, is the falling cycle really going to begin?
What's happening is the housing market is dropping, home prices are falling, people are defaulting in record numbers, and there are foreclosures.
Employment in U. S. coal mines has been falling for decades, pushed more by market forces than environmental policy.
Employment in U. S. coal mines has been falling for decades, pushed more by market forces than environmental policy.