When farmers grow rice, they must take good care of it. So the plants can grow well.
The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice to improve water quality.
After the rice seedlings start to grow, farmers move the little stalks to bigger fields.
Farmers use water to grow vegetables and crops like rice and corn, factories use water to make products.
Farmers north of the Sacramento delta, many of whom grow rice, can offer to keep fallow their least productive lands and sell water to cities and needy farmers farther south.
I was fascinated by the teenagers, who are farmers, and just hang around. When they harvest and grow the rice, they have nothing to do, like teenagers all over the world.
He worked in the fields to show farmers new ways to grow wheat, rice and other crops.
People who burn or cut down trees do it for different reasons: farmers cut down trees in order to get more fertilize lands to grow rice or vegetables, and use the woods as fuel.
On it farmers grow maize, rice, millet, beans and dates.
The farmers will be able to grow rice, oranges and tea here, but they complain that the land here isn't good for the crops.
Therefore, rice farmers grow only high quality varieties which have similar desirable agronomic characters to those of the indica-japonica cross varieties.
Therefore, rice farmers grow only high quality varieties which have similar desirable agronomic characters to those of the indica-japonica cross varieties.