In fact, an American girl recently asked me what food came from Britain apart from ‘fish and chips’ (a traditional favourite but very unhealthy fast-food).
In fact, an American girl recently asked me what food came from Britain apart from ‘fish and chips' (a traditional favourite but very unhealthy fast-food).
This scenario is exactly why most people give up and waste their money at unhealthy fast food restaurants.
Those children who ate fast food were more likely to also consume soft drinks. Children from lower income households were more likely to have unhealthy dietary habits and be overweight or obese.
Amid the economic downturn since 2008, there is some evidence that sales of cheap but unhealthy fast food have held up better than healthier alternatives.
Those with eating disorders should fast not from food during Lent, but from unhealthy attitudes about food.
First, we shouldn't go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some food that isn't safe, such as unhealthy oil.
First, , we shouldn't go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some food that isn't safe, such as unhealthy oil.
Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but fast food, like potato chips, will make you fat and unhealthy.
American financial website 247wallst. com recently picked the most unhealthy foods sold by American fast-food restaurant brands.
Moreover, it seems that wherever people eat unhealthy fast food, waistlines start to expand.
Moreover, it seems that wherever people eat unhealthy fast food, waistlines start to expand.