He looked as if nothing could faze him.
His actions didn't faze me in the least; I expected him to behave badly.
No matter what happens or comes up, you should act like it doesnt faze you.
'It doesn't faze my friends, they are used to me having so many animals around.
The nippy temperatures didn't faze Zimmer, who said he has been fishing since he was in diapers.
"At first I was scared of traveling alone as a female," she said. "Now it doesn't faze me anymore."
Be not sincere not faze oh! Hope you are sincere, not suitable for it does not matter, it is important in good faith, liar do not come in.
Of course this means I usually do the majority of the housework considering that a filthy house doesn't seem to faze my husband in the least.
It didn't really faze me too much that everybody thought I was wrong, but it annoyed me that I was having trouble getting research grants and so forth.
Because I was so harsh on him in his introductory courses, it didn't faze him when later professors were strict with deadlines, because he was already used to it.
These people although "sleeps disagreement eye", but had closed approach as a result of partial eyelid, black eyeball always is a side that deflexion is shutting faze, show white share only.
These people although "sleeps disagreement eye", but had closed approach as a result of partial eyelid, black eyeball always is a side that deflexion is shutting faze, show white share only.