A "feature" is a story with limited hard news value that is still worthy of being featured on television. Examples of this type of story are festivals, parades and "good news" human-interest stories.
A feature story is an essay written by a journalist or news reporter on varied subjects of human interest.
Visuals are more important in a feature story than a TV news story. A news story can be driven by facts, but a feature story must have compelling pictures, or there is no reason to show it.
Photographers may direct the subjects of portraits, formal interviews and non-news feature images needed to illustrate a story.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging Instructions Things You'll Need: A way to take notes A way to write How to write a news feature story Step 1 Pick a topic for your features story.
难易程度:中度挑战你需要: 记采访笔记的方法写作方法 写作指南如何写新闻特写 第一步为你的特写选一个题目。
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging Instructions Things You'll Need: A way to take notes A way to write How to write a news feature story Step 1 Pick a topic for your features story.
难易程度:中度挑战你需要: 记采访笔记的方法写作方法 写作指南如何写新闻特写 第一步为你的特写选一个题目。