When she was around you, the sky of the cotton candy and one by one to fall on you, let you feel chilly.
When a fever starts and your body tries to elevate its temperature, you feel chilly and may shiver to generate heat.
Dress lightly enough so that you’re a little chilly at the beginning of your run, and then feel great at the end.
Dress lightly enough so that you're a little chilly at the beginning of your run, and then feel great at the end.
Obviously they were for my birthday, a careful and considerate arrangement by the Housekeeping Department which made me feel warm in spite of the chilly early spring.
I often feel that November belongs to a boy with his trouser pockets filled with roasted chestnuts, wearing a thin shirt in the chilly wind, and walking aggressively and bravely.
Really? I'm starting to feel excited already. By the way, what should I prepare? Bring warm clothes. It gets chilly in the mountains, especially in the evening.
Really? I'm starting to feel excited already. By the way, what should I prepare? Bring warm clothes. It gets chilly in the mountains, especially in the evening.