I always feel nervous when speaking in front of others.
The little girl used to feel nervous when speaking in public.
Speaking to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.
The stress might make them feel nervous, but it also makes them focused.
I have a lot of wealth, but I feel nervous when I think someone tries to steal my money every day.
Most people feel nervous sitting across from a hiring manager, answering questions that effectively open themselves up for judgment.
I started to feel nervous, and during the test I started crying.
Marisa: I knew it was you Alice! For some reasons, I started to feel nervous!
I arrived at this strange place on a hot June morning, to worn out to feel nervous.
I only know one: If you feel a little scared or apprehensive, you ‘feel nervous’, even ‘nervy’.
But I never feel nervous when I walk on the stage, even in face of a row of professional judges.
I feel nervous when a stranger looks at me in his eyes so I try not to make eye contact with him.
Although after playing a basketball match that I would felt tired, I didn't feel nervous anymore.
In the past, we were together almost every day and I would feel nervous if I didn't see him someday.
Does the idea of expressing your feelings to someone you care for make you feel nervous and tongue-tied?
I try to avoid meeting her. But probably once bitten, twice shy, I always feel nervous whenever I see her.
When it came to power, will feel nervous, but will continue to encourage myself, because it is not the worst.
This might be something a parent is excited about, but he or she may also feel nervous or pressured about finances.
You don't even know her, but you feel nervous whenever you see her. Your face feels hot and your cheeks get red.
Don't stare at people or stand too close. Try to keep your eyes looking ahead or you could make others feel nervous.
We didn't feel nervous, we were well aware that things weren't going right, so you just try your best to rectify that.
Whether you're trying to establish a running habit or training for a big race, it's totally normal to feel nervous and anxious.
Everyone has different English levels, you may feel nervous when you talk to someone whose English is much better than yours.
If you go out of your "comfort zone", you do something or go somewhere that might make yo feel nervous, afraid, or juts not comfortable.
The machines can be an efficient tool to hone language skills for many people who feel nervous about conversing with flesh-and-blood foreigners, he said.
But some parents feel nervous about leaving their kids with a teenager, since teens don't exactly have a reputation for being the most responsible group.
This drug can also make the user feel nervous or even paranoid. Some people who use cannabis feel hungry after using and describe getting the "munchies."
Some people feel nervous and unsure like this when they are considering changing their job or moving house. Sometimes, people even get cold feet on their wedding day!
While most of us feel nervous before meeting co-workers at a new job or making a presentation, some people are so shy they can't attend parties or go on a dinner date.
While most of us feel nervous before meeting co-workers at a new job or making a presentation, some people are so shy they can't attend parties or go on a dinner date.