I I've been working for more than 20 hours, I don't feel so hot.
In very hot chilies, the capsaicin content is so amazing that if you cut the pepper, you will immediately feel burning pain on your skin.
Said the Master, "Ponder on these things: it is not the fire that is hot, but you who feel it so."
Cycling all day requires roughly twice the normal intake of calories. Therefore, even when it's so hot that you don't feel like eating, sometimes you have to force yourself.
Another expression is "not so hot". If you ask someone how she feels, she may answer "not so hot". What she means is she does not feel well.
I don't have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so comfortable, I have the good sleep.
Who knows to move surprisingly well, that day when I opened the door to see standing outside the three simple farmers working hours with a smile, the in the mind feel a hot, they are not so terrible.
谁知道搬家那天出奇的顺利,当我打开门见到门外站着的三个微笑着淳朴的农民工时,心里感觉一热,他们没那么可怕嘛。 。
When I am at school, the air is so stuffy, the fan doesn't work so much, I still feel hot.
It's going to be hot, but I spent a few weeks in Malaysia in January to do some training so I feel well prepared. I'm looking forward to getting there and to a good race.
I believe you also feel, in July is very hot here, so Chongqing is known as the stove, and just we Qijiang County of Chongqing City, the hottest.
It's so nice to sponge myself down in a hot bath, it makes me feel so much more comfortable.
So, while it is hot to drink and no sugar and creamer "black coffee", coffee and feel it is not in the facilities of the former powder flavor.
Maybe I said yes or other word, I can't remember it, then she bought sanitary towel, I could feel my face became red because I felt so hot.
First of all, how about the conference so far, what do you feel has been a hot topic and what are some of the highlights for you especially?
So on a hot sunny summer's day on the beach, you can feel how hot the sand gets. The water is cool to the feet when you go for a paddle.
After cleaning, the skin will stay hot salty, has the very good moisturizing effect, so don't feel cold hot after.
So on a hot sunny summer's day on the beach, you can feel how hot the sand gets. The water is cool to the feet when you go for a paddle 25.
In hot summer, I feel bored at home, opening air conditioning and it's too wasteful. So, I want to go swimming with my dad. My father said to me: "we drove."
In hot summer, I feel bored at home, opening air conditioning and it's too wasteful. So, I want to go swimming with my dad. My father said to me: "we drove."