Experts have been discussing how to improve the fight against crime.
On crime prevention, the Force will involve all sections of the community in the fight against crime.
Provided our privacy remains secure, there is no excuse not to use every bit of science we can in the fight against crime.
The growing problem of commercial bribery in all sectors of the community paid great attention to China in recent years the focus of the fight against crime.
The continental legal system put investigating criminal in a high status, so the investigated subjects own strong power and assist each other to fight against crime.
When the criminal proceedings as a civil ceremony in front of display, the value of evaluation and guide the role and significance than is necessary for the significance of the fight against crime.
Sri Lankan police on launched an appeal for the public to donate their pet dogs to help the fight against terrorism and crime on the war-torn island.
In a tearful statement, his widow Anna-Marie pleaded for South Africans to unite in the fight against gun crime.
警官遗孀anna -Marie在泣不成声中恳求南非人民联合起来与持枪犯罪作斗争。
The hawker's life is a tough one, always a fight against weather, traffic and crime.
So it is of great significance to fight against and prevent the crime of money laundering.
This trend makes secret investigation, which has special effects in the fight against and the prevention of crime, extensively used in investigation practice.
Our team in the Intellectual Property Crime Unit (IPCU) has stepped up its fight against counterfeiters stealing game software and other intellectual property rights of our members.
我们的团队中的知识产权犯罪组(IPCU )已加紧打击盗版游戏软件偷窃和其他知识产权的成员。
Extraordinary team of people to use this ability to fight against the FBI, CIA and the Pentagon can not solve the crime.
Since the existing legal provisions on the fight against cyber-crime is not perfect enough, not deterrence. new departments have drafted a legal document submitted to Parliament for approval.
Since the existing legal provisions on the fight against cyber-crime is not perfect enough, not deterrence. new departments have drafted a legal document submitted to Parliament for approval.