Praise song for every hand-lettered sign; The figuring it out at kitchen tables.
You only fill in one data value; after all, you want a computer to do this conversion for you instead of figuring it out.
It's a real biological process, with a large and growing body of research dedicated to figuring it out what makes it work.
But in those rare cases where you do need to know the input encoding, SAX and XNI offer fast and efficient means of figuring it out.
On her way back, she accidentally walks into my parents room, turns on the lights and asks where her clothes are before figuring it out.
Even if your manager wants to respond differently, having a proposal to react to is easier than having to start figuring it out from scratch.
"Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them," he said, "but if you discontinue it, you're going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you."
At some point, while researchers work on figuring out where the truth lies, it just makes sense to say the potential benefit outweighs the cost.
California is leading the way, as it does on so many climate efforts, in figuring out the details.
It was so much fun figuring out where to put the openings for the spout and handle!
Figuring out the amount of added sugar in foods is tricky because it is not listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel of packaged foods.
It is responsible for receiving a request and figuring out where it is supposed to go for processing.
Some are just simple counting problems, such as figuring out how many requests it serves a day, how many searches it serves a day, what the average time it takes to process those transactions is, etc.
In summary, you need to understand your business requirements before figuring out how much to raise and from whom to raise it.
Could it ever be ethical to conduct research that produces sick babies in the hope of figuring out how to make healthy clones?
The secret isn't so much figuring out how to cope with a kid at college as it is figuring out how to take advantage of the situation.
Numerous astronomical surveys will probe space-stretching dark energy, although figuring out what it is could take much longer than another decade.
Food makers profit the same way any other successful business does: by figuring out what customers want and giving it to them.
While the garbage collector does a good job at figuring out what memory the application is using and not using, it is up to the application to decide the most appropriate use for the available memory.
I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for me. It has a lot of complicated formulas embedded in it.
Because, Mr Juncker said, figuring out how to squeeze out some funding from private creditors, without it being deemed a default, "is very complicated".
Text placement: to place text in exactly the same place involves figuring out where the PDF says it should be, and translating that to the position in the browser.
This is where it's easiest to say that players are learning how to process data and figuring out how it fits together in game form.
But before you divulge yourself into figuring out which one is accurate, it is best to try and get a better understanding of some of the popular acne myths.
Says Delaney: “I’ve seen hundreds of clients put an end to upsetting dreams by figuring out what underlying worry the dream is expressing, then dealing with it in real life.
Says Delaney: “I’ve seen hundreds of clients put an end to upsetting dreams by figuring out what underlying worry the dream is expressing, then dealing with it in real life.