You can keep this card on file and use for deposit and also for final payment.
After my team finalizes testing and make sure it works 100%, final payment will be released.
This way we maintain continuous control over our financial risk until the final payment is made.
When you handover the site, all controls for administering must be passed to me before final payment.
Ot - her aspects are better, but in the final payment, the credit card has not, this is inconvenient.
Eight. Initial stage, the middle check goods, quality control, reserve a final payment to check goods.
The deal is still to be finalised though with Arshavin and the Russians still to sort out a final payment.
The deal is still to be finalised though with Arshavin and the Russians still to sort out a final payment .
Final statement "means the statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate]."
The online ecosystem is large and growing, sometimes putting more distance between the potential customer and final payment.
Final payment certificate "means the payment certificate issued under Sub-Clause 14.13 [issue of Final payment certificate]."
2 2 Before the designer submits all design documents. the design charge is all squared by the employer, and no final payment left.
2 2 Before the designer submits all design documents. the design charge is all squared by the employer, and no final payment left.
Progress payments are made during manufacture and final payment on delivery. Details and a deposit contract are available on the website.
A business "transaction" was a full accounting, starting with the taking of an order to the final payment from the customer for the product or service.
In addition, Seller shall furnish to Purchaser monthly interim lien waivers and a final lien waiver as a condition of final payment in the form requested by Purchaser.
All sales are final, and all payment is upfront.
And there can be a Catch-22: those with the fewest assets are the likeliest to receive a settlement offer, but they are also the least able to come up with the cash for that final negotiated payment.
Performance is problematic, and the failure to complete the final step (of making the payment) would be an even bigger problem.
You discuss payments with foreign business clients. Learn different means of payment and negotiate the final cost and payment schedule.
Months later, I received the final letter from Ministry of Labour to tell me that the tough task of collecting payment was authorized to a collection agency.
The insurer shall pay the balance after the final amount of indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits is determined.
The insurer shall pay the balance after the final amount of indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits is determined.