More broadly, the NIH is substantively revising its regulations on financial conflict of interest, which were originally adopted in 1995.
This study was supported in part by a grant from the Alzheimer Association. Neither investigator reported a financial conflict of interest.
Authority of sources: Clear statement of source for all information, including author's name, credentials, affiliations, and any relevant financial disclosure or potential conflict of interest bias.
Republican strategists are dusting off plans to expose Mr Clinton's financial ties, which they will argue represent a serious conflict of interest for his wife as the country's top diplomat.
Many top academic physicians have financial connections to the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA often waives conflict of interest rules for its advisory committees.
The existence of financial interests or other relationships of a commercial nature is not necessarily regarded as creating a conflict of interest.
The existence of financial interests or other relationships of a commercial nature is not necessarily regarded as creating a conflict of interest.