Under the influence of 97 year of financial crisis in Asia, the enterprise's scope-economies is also through suffered the test.
In recent years, Chinese exporters have seen their efforts increasingly undercut by the impact of the spreading financial crisis in Asia.
After the financial crisis in Asia, many scholars propose to depreciate RMB in order to offset the adverse influence on Chinese foreign trade.
The 1997 financial crisis in Asia and recent corporate scandals occur repetitively, propelled the issues of corporate governance among various Asian countries.
In Asia, a lingering stigma attaches to IMF lending as a result of the intrusive conditions it enforced during the financial crisis there a decade ago.
If the tide of the financial crisis has indeed turned, when the waters recede they will reveal a global landscape in which Asia, though damaged, will look more solid than the west.
Another historic burden Mr Obama carries in Asia is the arrogance of American officials during the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98.
The leaders of the 13 countries met early Friday in Beijing before the start of the Asia-Europe summit. The summit with European leaders also is likely to focus on the global financial crisis.
The financial crisis that began in Asia in 1997 dealt a huge blow to the giant business group, or chaebol, to which Hyundai once belonged.
Thailand has fully recovered from the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis and was one of East Asia "s best performers in 2002-04."
泰国很快的从1997- 1998年的亚洲金融危机中恢复过来,并成为2002 - 2004年东亚经济运行最好的国家之一。
When its rivals pulled back from Asia during the region’s financial crisis in 1997, Cisco deliberately increased its presence there, gaining a leading position it has never relinquished.
The dramatic falls in Asia, which triggered subsequent declines in Europe, underline doubts over the exposure of Asian Banks and financial institutions to a crisis that began in the US.
Mobile phone ownership in Asia has surged despite the regional financial crisis, which dampened consumption.
Stocks in Asia reached a three-month high this week, injecting fresh hopes among investors of an early turnaround in the global financial crisis.
George Soros was well known after the 1997's financial crisis in Southeast Asia. Somebody admires him, and somebody hates him.
With the Asia Financial Crisis had broken out, it was one of the important reasons that there had been giant bad bank assets in finance institutions.
With the Asia Financial Crisis had breaking out, it was one of the important reasons that there had been giant bad bank assets in finance institutions.
When a financial crisis swept across Southeast Asia in 1997, China refused to depreciate the RMB.
When a financial crisis swept across Southeast Asia in 1997, China refused to depreciate the RMB.
Average growth in emerging Asia might fall to only 4-5% in 2009 as a whole, half its pace in 2007 and the slowest rate since the Asian financial crisis.
新兴亚洲国家的平均增长速度也许在2009年会整体落至4- 5%,是其2007年的速度的一半,也是自亚洲金融危机以来最慢的速度。
The Asian financial crisis was a sharp devaluation of the Thai currency in Asia, the formation of a domino effect.
In 1997, China and ASEAN countries worked side by side to withstand the impacts of the Asian financial crisis together and launched the process of East Asia cooperation.
Hedge funds have been decimated by the financial crisis, while proprietary desks at investment Banks in Asia are pulling back to preserve balance sheets under orders from risk-averse headquarters.
The present international banking has inherent fragile and infective, which reflects from the financial crisis in Latin America and East Asia. How strengthen the immunity of our country banking?
The present international banking has inherent fragile and infective, which reflects from the financial crisis in Latin America and East Asia. How strengthen the immunity of our country banking?