France and Germany said Tuesday that the G-20 summit must produce stricter financial market regulation and should not rely so heavily on stimulus spending and taxpayer bailouts.
The trading activity is subject to financial regulation whose objective is to protect clients, and identify and prosecute breaches of relevant laws on market misconduct, for example, insider trading.
Indeed, regulation can serve to strengthen market discipline, for example, by mandating a transparent disclosure regime for financial firms.
But the IMF disagrees. It argues, in new papers released on Friday March 6th, that the "main culprit" was deficient regulation of the financial system, together with a failure of market discipline.
I think the market grew so enormously, with so little oversight and regulation, that it made the financial crisis much deeper and more pervasive than it otherwise would have been.
The first part is the basic theory of legal regulation on financial holding company's abuse in market advantageous status.
For effective regulation of financial holding conglomerate relys on collective use of internal control, external supervision and market disclosure.
Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation, to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks, and to seize and control market.
The current financial turmoil has come as a revelation to us. We have realised that proper regulation of the market is needed in order to protect us against any devastating attack.
The current financial turmoil has come as a revelation to us. We have realised that proper regulation of the market is needed in order to protect us against any devastating attack.