The Asian Crisis of 10 years ago provided many lessons to be learned when it comes to international financial systemic risk, financial contagion, moral hazards, etcetera.
The academics criticise initial proposals by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), America's new guardian against systemic risk, on how to identify the firms it should worry about.
The regulation and supervisory oversight of financial institutions is another critical tool for limiting systemic risk.
These complications risk distraction from the key issue: the main source of systemic risk is within large financial conglomerates themselves.
The first body, to be called the European Systemic risk Council, would monitor any build-up of risks in the financial system that would threaten its stability.
第一个机构叫做欧洲系统风险委员会(EuropeanSystemic RiskCouncil),负责监测欧盟金融系统中任何将威胁系统稳定的各种风险形成。
One reason is that many firms now think systemic risk in the financial system has fallen to a low level.
But equally, without the flood of money seeking returns, the risky financial instruments that the IMF is blaming for increasing systemic risk may not have grown and posed the risk that they did.
We will strengthen and improve financial oversight, and establish a sound early warning system and a risk response mechanism to prevent systemic financial risks.
Since none of these firms, or any financial company of systemic importance, can be allowed to fail, more intrusive supervision that limits risk-taking and thus profitability is inevitable.
Indeed, the ECB's European Systemic Risk Board serves a function that is similar to the United Kingdom's new Financial Policy Committee (FPC).
The unifying theme is a focus on risk management: the risks of a particular product or financial service, the risks to a firm, and the systemic risks to society as a whole.
Strengthening the financial emergency management capacity building, improve the prevention of systemic risk in advance of the coping mechanisms and ex post facto.
Stock Index Futures is a derivative financial facility for hedging the systemic risk of investment and the current assets.
That's how we got here — a near total breakdown of responsibility at every link in our financial chain, and now we either bail out the people who brought us here or risk a total systemic crash.
我们是这样落到如此境地的- - -金融链条上每个环节上几乎彻底的责任心丧失,而现在我们要么救援置我们于此地的人,要么就要冒系统崩溃的危险。
Abstract: the banking industry is the most basic and most important financial institutions, but it is also most likely to trigger a systemic risk sector.
We are thus now in a generalized panic mode and back to the risk of a systemic meltdown of the entire financial system.
The shadow banking system played a crucial role in the 2007-2009 financial crisis that, in which one of the most important role is the creation of systemic risk.
在2007- 2009年的金融危机中影子银行体系起到了至关重要的作用,其中最重要的作用之一就是创造了系统性风险。
The core of the regulation of banking systemic financial risk is to build a banking regulation system based on macro-prudential regulation.
It has become the focus of this year's financial work to stabilize the exchange rate and to prevent the outbreak of systemic financial risk.
Sovereign debt risk has become a major and real threat to global financial stability and economic recovery, and its potential systemic effects deserve a high degree of attention and concern.
Let me explain now in more detail why we are now back to the risk of a total systemic financial meltdown...
Still, MF Global isn't big enough to pose systemic risk to the U. S. financial system if a deal can't be reached, according to people on Wall Street.
The banking industry is the most basic and most important financial institutions, but it is also most likely to trigger a systemic risk sector.
However, the financial crisis shown that the shadow banking system can also create a number of risks, in which the most important one is systemic risk.
However, the financial crisis shown that the shadow banking system can also create a number of risks, in which the most important one is systemic risk.