You have to move the screen around to find the sweet spot and then you can't move.
This is a straightforward trade-off and it is up to individual companies to find the sweet spot.
As nanocellulose disperses within plastic, scientists must find the sweet spot: the right amount of nanoparticle-matrix interaction that yields the strongest, lightest property.
Even athletes plug in to music to psych themselves up to find that sweet spot known as "the zone".
I wanted to see if I can find that sweet spot right in the middle of minimal and bold.
Place sweet notes in different spots around the house. In each spot, write something that you love about your sweetheart, and where to find the next note.
A space that is normally all about the craft of acting, a place to work to find that sweet spot that satisfies the actor and thrills the audience.
Every whistle has a "sweet spot" where the shape is correct for a long, clear tone. Practice with the above whistles until you find your sweet spot.
Every whistle has a "sweet spot" where the shape is correct for a long, clear tone. Practice with the above whistles until you find your sweet spot.