The Emergency services, the Fire Departments, the Police, hospitals, and ambulances stood by, ready to go into action.
As emergency services picked through the burnt debris, a row was resurfacing over accusations that the beloved cathedral, immortalised in Victor Hugo's novel, was already, crumbling before the fire.
One or both planes was on fire when it hit the ground and emergency services were sent immediately, he said.
BGAN is well suited for foreign correspondents, soldiers, travelers, sailors, crisis management units, police, fire brigades, emergency services, and other safety services.
British comedy actor Rowan Atkinson, best known for playing the character Mr. Bean, suffered a minor injury after the supercar he was driving crashed and caught fire, emergency services said Friday.
The fire services Department fights fires, protects life and property in case of fire and other calamity, provides emergency ambulance services and gives fire protection advice to the public.
The public Liaison Group was set up to encourage public participation in monitoring and improving the delivery of emergency fire and ambulance services.
It has secured funds to erect two emergency facilities in 1986, each of which will combine ambulance, fire, and police services.
The St. Johns Fire and Rescue Department, Charleston County Emergency Medical Services, Charleston County Rescue, and the Charleston County Sheriff's Office were dispatched just after noon Tuesday.
The St. Johns Fire and Rescue Department, Charleston County Emergency Medical Services, Charleston County Rescue, and the Charleston County Sheriff's Office were dispatched just after noon Tuesday.