The Germans greet the New Year with fireworks and crackers.
We want to buy Bean Products, Liquor and Beverages, Fireworks and Crackers, Tea, Vegetable.
2 carry weapon or animal or any inflammable, explosive, fragile and noisy object to the Venue including but not limited to fireworks and crackers, glassworks and trumpet.
Article 3. In order to meet the need of the public benefits, setting off fireworks and crackers may be limited or forbidden in the special areas in the cities of the Province.
A crate of the crackers exploded beside a suburban stadium, killing four fireworks technicians (including two German nationals) and injuring three other people.
All around me in every direction and as far as I can see, the sky is filled with fireworks and the air is filled with the sound of crackers.
Party crackers-a favorite in the United kingdom-give you noise and surprises without the mess of fireworks.
Today is the 15th and final day of the Lunar New Year celebrations, which people traditionally mark by lighting fire crackers and fireworks.
Today is the 15th and final day of the Lunar New Year celebrations, which people traditionally mark by lighting fire crackers and fireworks.