About a third of the money involved in all prosecuted fraud cases is being siphoned off in south Florida, where federal agents-having missed it at first-have recently woken up.
South Korea's latest attempt to enter the Asian space race suffered a setback today when a satellite carried by the country's first rocket veered off course.
The first day the team was dropped off the ice moved so quickly to the south that it took the trio 10 days to make it back to their starting point.
South Africa resume this morning on 278 for seven and England could well polish them off first thing.
When I first learned of the South-North water diversification scheme the immediate concern was would this draw off so much water that it would damage the hydrology of the Yangtze drainage area?
Moreover the American and Chinese navies, including destroyers and aircraft, staged their first ever joint search-and-rescue manoeuvres in September off Hawaii and in November in the South China Sea.
The Arsenal star is captain of his country and looked to be heading to next summer's Finals in South Africa when Russia took a 2-0 lead in the first-leg of their play-off against Slovenia last month.
The Arsenal star is captain of his country and looked to be heading to next summer's Finals in South Africa when Russia took a 2-0 lead in the first-leg of their play-off against Slovenia last month.