So first off we know Web 2.0 has a very vauge technical deffenition such as it’s new media or it’s sharing info or media etc..
It was all well and good to let them strike the first blow, but if they hit us hard below the belt, we should take an ax and cut their hands off.
We can stop off in Tsim Sha Tsui and get something to eat first.
But their laughter will turn to bitter envy when our child gets his diploma first, and we get up off these folding chairs and head for a restaurant!
However we have all had days when we make a terrible first impression by making an off joke or just saying the wrong thing because of nerves or a simple slip of the tongue.
Then we were lying together under the stars and when the first fireworks went off, you leaned over and kissed me for the first time.
"First, we implement a stabilization plan to stop the rot," he says, counting off on his fingers, "pegging the currency to something of real value is top priority.
The cons move into action, “First we gotta get that window out, then we have to get the bars off.”
"We also found that when the fly makes planning movements prior to take-off, it takes into account its body position at the time it first sees the threat," Dickinson said.
I had a girl from Ireland agree as my first sponsor in November and we earned 65 new followers. She made the donation the next day and we were off.
The American Idol season has begun. We won't be seeing it, of course, until January of 2009, but the nearly year-long process has kicked off with the first round of auditions in San Francisco.
Then Master Linton has forgot the first injunction of his uncle, 'I observed:' he bid us keep on the Grange land, and here we are off at once. '.
I said it was all well and good to let them strike the first blow, but if they hit us hard below the belt, we should take a meat ax and cut their hands off.
Then, as we turned off the street into the narrow way of the cemetery, inching toward the freshly dug grave, Roger was the first to notice that the rain had stopped, and he almost shouted to us.
We will first round off the small rectangles, as they need a smaller radius, and then progressively do the others.
"At first we ate rotten sorghum, then corncobs and then the bark off the trees," said Meng Qinghua, 85.
For this document we will only discuss the first step of identifying the type of logon data, the rest is specific to the authentication source being supported and hence off topic.
A quarter of us now always negotiate to get better deals before we head off for some fun in the sun and a mere 11 percent accept the first price that we are quoted for a getaway.
“The findings go against the traditional view of romance—that it drops off sharply in the first decade—but we are sure it’s real, ” said Arthur Aron, a psychologist at Stony Brook.
"The first sending off [Degen] was a yellow-card offence and it was very clear Carragher kicked the ball for the second one, so we will be appealing," said benitez.
All right, so where we left off with the photoelectric effect was when we first introduced the effect, we were talking about it in terms of frequencies.
We all know that slacking off on dental hygiene is the first way to get cavities, but stress can also be a culprit, say experts, especially when you’re grinding your teeth at night or during the day.
A quarter of us now negotiate to get better deals before we head off for some fun in the sun and a mere 11 per cent accept the first price that we are quoted for a getaway.
We are going to start working on the sky. First off, we are going to create a mask on the landscape image.
But, the first steps we are planning to take is to build an interpreter that is based off the new ir instruction operations rather than AST nodes.
We were talking about this a few minutes ago, the crisis is making countries go like this to think themselves first. Is there any potential the crisis will throw this aec as its known plan off track.
So in terms of remaining valence electrons we have 12, so we can finish off each of our Lewis structures, so that's our first structure there, and our second structure there.
We took off our coats and ran quickly into the lemon spring. When I first put my feet into the water. I cried out, "Wow, it is hot!"
We took off our coats and ran quickly into the lemon spring. When I first put my feet into the water. I cried out, "Wow, it is hot!"