The movie that really made him famous was his second one, Rebel, without a Cause, that was about teenagers who felt like they didn't fit into society.
Not only can we accumulate wealth, but will also establish our career, fit into society and even attain social status.
This novel has been translated into many languages as the story of an anorexic girl struggling to fit into society has touched people all over the world.
One of the best things for a nomad, who obviously doesn't fit into the general lifestyle of Western society, is meeting other nomads.
Leeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city's multiethnic society.
Some of you may find yourselves as noticeably different even look upon yourselves as outcasts and unable to fit into a structured and spiritless society.
The construction of the curriculum setup and its teaching contents should fit into needs of the specialty, needs of the society, needs of the academic circle, needs of integrating with the world.
In the adjoining small room, she said: "we analysts help sick people to fit into a sicker society and we sometimes, perhaps very rarely, succeed."
In the adjoining small room, she said: "we analysts help sick people to fit into a sicker society and we sometimes, perhaps very rarely, succeed."