The Beast had a head like that of a rhinoceros, only there were five eyes in its face.
Because WuQuan mountain dew and the leaders YouHui, and touched the spring, with five eyes.
Bees have five eyes. There are three small eyes on the top of a bee's head and two larger ones in the font.
At that time, there were no natural disasters, and people enjoyed a lot of blessings. Many people had spiritual powers and opened their Five Eyes.
With that she held a five-penny-piece under his eyes.
When crayfish are kept continuously in the dark, even for four to five months, their compound eyes continue to adjust on a daily schedule for daytime and nighttime vision.
She knows that her mother likes giraffes; at the zoo, she stands for five or ten minutes at the edge of the giraffe area, talking about their beautiful large eyes and their long lovely eyelashes.
Steve: the HR department says that we should take a break for five minutes every hour to rest our eyes from staring at the computer and our hands from typing.
Take a few minutes to silently gaze into each other's eyes, and then breathe in and out in unison for at least five minutes.
In a few moments, out came his host, a most impressive man with thick eyebrows, long eyes, and five long strands of whiskers.
Close your eyes and imagine as vividly as possible, with all five senses, doing that conceivable thing.
Today, five years later, Ratti Bai's sari was even shabbier, her hair even more gray and her eyes twice as dazed.
He advanced towards the five, who smiled upon him, and each, with his eyes full of that grand flame which one beholds in the depths of history hovering over Thermopylae, cried to him.
It was on one of the turf benches of this garden that a rosy mouth six years of age improvised the following tale, which was listened to by blue eyes aged four and five years.
He was a tiny little fellow, not much more than five feet four in height, and very slender, with white hair, a red face much wrinkled, and blue eyes.
His eyes were sunken deep into his head and he had lost at least five pounds. He could barely respond to my questions.
At the moment when jean Valjean entered the redoubt, no one had noticed him, all eyes being fixed on the five chosen men and the four uniforms.
Just push yourself back from your desk and spin around four or five times from right to left with your eyes open. Then look back at this screen.
He long with five hands, stained with bloodshot eyes, makes chilling reading.
Me at five, dark spiky hair, moon pale with brown almost Slavic eyes, wiry, coltish.
I also take a few five or ten minute breaks throughout the day to recharge and rest my eyes (staring at a computer screen all day is very hazardous to your vision).
People with AMD in both eyes will typically become classed as legally blind between five and 10 years after the first symptoms appear.
If you work with computers, rest your eyes and hands for at least five minutes per hour. Otherwise, you could damage your eyes and develop carpal tunnel syndrome.
After a few minutes, I suddenly realized I'd drawn five pairs of dark eyes staring out of the page at me.
Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly.
A man staggers into an emergency room with two black eyes and a five iron wrapped tightly around his throat.
If you work with computers, you should rest your eyes and hands for at least five minutes each hour.
If you work with computers, you rest your eyes and hands for at least five minutes each hour.
If you work with computers, you rest your eyes and hands for at least five minutes each hour.