Five years ago we discontinued train service between Lamberton and its suburbs because low ridership caused total fares collected to be substantially lower than the cost of operating the service.
About five years ago we gave Galorath developers information on 50 completed projects that they then incorporated into the SEER knowledge base.
I always tell people, if we have a good quarter it's because of the work we did three, four, and five years ago. It's not because we did a good job this quarter.
They say, “Oh well, we got this authority five or ten years ago, who knows when”.
When we moved into this house five years ago, I had dreams of learning carpentry in the shop.
Five years ago, all of our units were much freer to do what they wanted for local autonomy; now we see the value of being global as well as local.
And we are more transparent, disclosing over 85 percent of our country assistance strategies, up from none five years ago.
Forty-five years ago, we made a solemn compact as a nation that senior citizens would not go without the health care they need.
Five years ago, my husband and I found ourselves faced with the opportunity to own a "fixer-upper" house, with the potential to make a profit if we ever decided to sell it.
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
In a speech, Koch said, "Days like today bring to reality the vision of our board of directors when we started this organization, five years ago."
"We have nutrients in the soil, energy sources, and if there was liquid water five millions years ago, we're getting close to an environment where life could live," says Smith.
"We believe that you should be paying people as much as you can," says Belsky, who co-founded Behance five years ago and serves as CEO.
五年前,波斯基与合伙人共同创立了Be hance公司,并担任CEO。他说:“我们当然知道应该尽量多给员工支付薪水。”
"Five to 10 years ago it was emerging and we were one of the leaders," he says.
At nestle, we have brought down freshwater withdrawals for our production from five litres per dollar of sales ten years ago to less than 1.8 litres.
Two years ago we had human cases in two countries; it went up to five last year and now ten countries have reported human cases.
And we don't have any more of an idea how we're going to finance the aging of the U.S. population — in a rapidly aging world — than we did three or five or 10 years ago.
While we must admit that better results are needed, today is a fitting occasion to think about what this treaty meant when it came into force five years ago, and the promise it offers for the future.
Our official, greenish motivation is that, 17 years ago, we moved into our rambling West Side fixer-upper with five children, and now it’s mostly just the two of us.
I was only five when my father had taken me abroad, and that we eighteen years ago.
Adam McKay, funny or, said, "When we started a few years ago, once again this is all pre-five words so relax."
funnyor die.com的AdamMcKay说:“当我们一年前开始创立网站funnyordie.com时,再一次声明,这也是5词致辞前的话,所以放松心情。”
Five years ago, we had a big debate about 10 years later, 20 years later, what are the things the Chinese society want?
I felt as if we had known each other for many years but actually we got to know each other only five minutes ago.
Five or six years ago, we were meteorologically tricked into thinking that we should get used to Mediterranean temperatures, so the past two summers came as a bit of a nasty shock.
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
It was like 11 years ago that we started doing it and then we finished doing it five years ago.
It was like 11 years ago that we started doing it and then we finished doing it five years ago.