The 1930s gold standard was a fixed exchange rate system in which deficit countries were required to adjust by way of deflation rather than devaluation.
Before the First World War, the gold standard created a fixed exchange rate system as each country pegged the value of its currency to gold to establish its par value.
The SDR was created in 1969, during the Bretton Woods fixed exchange-rate system, because of concerns that there was insufficient liquidity to support global economic activity.
The history of world exchange rate systems shows us that the world community (in its majority) has in fact shifted from the system of fixed exchange rates to floating exchange rate system.
All other things being equal credit conditions in China should be easy under a fixed or managed exchange rate system and a large balance of payments surplus.
In the background of globalization, the float exchange rate system will return to the fixed one, in the form of currency unions.
In the background of globalization, the float exchange rate system will return to the fixed one,...
The research on pass-through effects began from the exchange rate system changed from fixed system to float system. It is still an important component of the exchange rate's research.
Devaluations and revaluations are the main ways of changing exchange rates in a nearly fixed-rate system, a system where the rate is usually, but not always, fixed.
Fixed Exchange rate a monetary system in which a country's currency is set at a fixed rate relative to other currencies.
Fixed Exchange rate a monetary system in which a country's currency is set at a fixed rate relative to other currencies.