The students who held a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with less regard for learning.
A fixed mind-set can also hinder communication and progress in the workplace and discourage or ignore constructive criticism and advice.
Research shows that managers who have a fixed mind-set are less likely to seek or welcome feedback from their employees than are managers with a growth mind-set.
At the start of junior high, the math achievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those of students who displayed a fixed mind-set.
Which leads one to ask: Is it possible to shift from a fixed mind-set to a growth mind-set?
The fixed mind-set believes it's entitled to success without much effort and regards failure as a personal affront.
Those who believe they were born with all the smarts and gifts they're ever going to have approach life with what she calls a "fixed mind-set."
So far, all people have been locked due to a fixed mind set from dark learning and education.
So far, all people have been locked due to a fixed mind set from dark learning and education.