There was a flap of cloth over its face. My entire body, my entire soul cried out to me to turn the flap down, to look at my baby's face.
If not, your possessions are safest in a pocket with a button-down flap.
My face is generally pretty flat and it's hard to read my emotions that way, but you can tell I'm joyful when my hands flap a little, or you can tell I'm nervous if I keep getting up and down.
Most birds flap their wings up and down, but hummingbirds move their wings in a figure-eight pattern.
This frog has long webbed toes and a skin flap between its limbs Flying Gecko 6.which allows it to parachute down from treetops.
"Flap" sounds like something (a flag, a sail) flapping, and "flop" is the dull sound of something falling down flat.
Nagase Put your flaps down. That'll lower your airspeed. Can you find your flap lever?
Next you are going to sew seams down the both sides of the flap and cut off the excess fabric.
When that flap is in place and squeegeed down, it then ACTS as my hinge and I can start applying the rest of the graphic by peeling back a little more backing paper, exposing the adhesive.
This puts tension on the front flap causing it to stay down after wind gusts.
In addition, a flap which is attached to the electrode may serve as a bandage type dressing by flipping down over the access window (s) once the procedure is done.
In addition, a flap which is attached to the electrode may serve as a bandage type dressing by flipping down over the access window (s) once the procedure is done.