Thousands of residents have fled their homes.
The husbands fled their homes and congregated in the tavern.
Residents in the oil city of Poza Rica fled their homes as the water rose.
More than 50,000 people have also fled their homes in neighboring Mozambique.
Some 18 people were killed in the fighting and thousands of others fled their homes.
They join another half million displaced Pakistanis who have fled their homes since August.
About 10, 000 people who've fled their homes are camping on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey.
About 10,000 people who've fled their homes are camping on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey.
During the eight-month siege of Dubrovnik, about 100 civilians died and more than 30, 000 fled their homes.
Children who fled their homes near the erupting Mount Sinabung play at a temporary shelter in Brastagi, North Sumatra.
Nearly two million Iraqis have fled their homes and become refugees in other parts of their country since the 2003 war.
The tremor was so massive that thousands fled their homes from coastlines around the Pacific Rim, fearful of a tsunami.
At least 500 people have been killed, some of them while seeking shelter in churches, and 200,000-plus have fled their homes.
At least 500 people have been killed, some of them while seeking shelter in churches, and 200, 000-plus have fled their homes.
Thousands of people in the path of storm Megi have fled their homes. Emergency services are on high alert and schools are closed in many areas.
At least one person has been reported killed, and thousands have fled their homes. Emergency services are on alert, and many schools are closed.
Thousands of people fled their homes when the earthquake struck at 3.34am local time, gathering in the streets with many still clothed in pyjamas.
Nearly 50, 000 people are reported to have fled their homes and hundreds are missing after a dam collapsed in southeastern Nepal on Monday afternoon.
The death toll from devastating floods caused by torrential rains in India has risen to 271, and about 1m people have fled their homes, CNN reported.
Fighting flared up last Friday, and has left at least 10 dead and scores wounded, including many civilians. Thousands of villagers on both sides of the border have fled their homes.
More than 400, 000 Ivorians have fled their homes, three-quarters of them from Abidjan, the country’s once shinily prosperous commercial capital, most of them in the past few weeks.
More than 400,000 Ivorians have fled their homes, three-quarters of them from Abidjan, the country's once shinily prosperous commercial capital, most of them in the past few weeks.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says the caterpillars are invading houses in some areas. More than one hundred thousand people have fled their homes because of the insects.
Vietnamese and Filipino nurses have been turfed out of their homes and have fled.
He also said Palestinian refugees, who were forced out or fled from their homes during the 1948 war, would not be allowed to return to what is today Israel.
He also said Palestinian refugees, who were forced out or fled from their homes during the 1948 war, would not be allowed to return to what is today Israel.