Uses the structure to be simple, the manufacture service easy petal shape shaft coupling and the flexible disk coupling, have overcome the flaw which the rotary shaft coupling easy to damage;
Along with the shift in hardware away from disk-centric and toward memory - and processor-centric data management, flexible technologies are being developed to address different database workloads.
The typical secondary storage medium of a microcomputer is the floppy and hard disks. A floppy disk, or diskette, is a thin circular piece of flexible polyester coated with a magnetic material.
These backups can be sent to tape (local or remote), to disk, or to a pipe that makes ontape quite flexible.
As a virtual disk, DRBD provides a flexible model that a variety of applications can use (from file systems to other applications that can rely on a raw disk, such as a database).
Alternatively, you can set aside partitions or use network mounts for some or all storage; however, disk files are convenient and flexible, so I emphasize their use.
Numerical simulations and experimental investigates were carried out for unbalance response of a single disk flexible rotor system with far shaft end mounted on EORD.
By combining rigid disk element and 3-d beam element the dynamical control equation of flexible rotor system and its analysis formula of coefficient matrix are developed.
The dynamic rigidity method applied to the multi-disk rotating systems is presented in this paper. The formula of dynamic rigidity to the boundary conditions with flexible support is derived.
The dynamic rigidity method applied to the multi-disk rotating systems is presented in this paper. The formula of dynamic rigidity to the boundary conditions with flexible support is derived.