And the Sunshine state seems to take its summer reading seriously: Florida was the only state to have three cities in the top 20.
A different sort of drama is unfolding in Florida, where Charlie Crist, the Republican governor of the Sunshine State, is making a run for the Senate.
阳光之州佛罗里达则上演着截然不同的剧目,其共和党州长查理·克里斯特(Charlie Crist)正力争角逐参议院席位。
A different sort of drama is unfolding in Florida, where Charlie Crist, the Republican governor of the Sunshine State, is making a run for the Senate.
阳光之州佛罗里达则上演着截然不同的剧目,其共和党州长查理·克里斯特(Charlie Crist)正力争角逐参议院席位。