Low alkalinity flotation process is made on a low-grade porphyry Cu-Mo ore samples.
The pet food processing wastewater is treated by hydrolysis contact oxidation air flotation process.
The invention relates to a method for pretreating ore pulp in a lead and zinc oxide flotation process.
This paper gives the results of processing pelitic copper oxides using the segregation-flotation process.
A new technology, mineral flotation process, with electrochemical control is used in Xilin Lead-Zinc mine.
Optimal control strategy for flotation process based on expertise knowledge system was exhibited additionally.
Using sequential selective flotation process and adding dextrin as main depressant obtain good separation result.
The production practice confirms that this flotation process can be adopted to treat Yunlong refractory silver-copper ore.
As an efficient machine for treating fine particle ores, flotation column has found wide applications in flotation process.
Since the latter decreased the flotation process by about 1/3 comparing with the former, the latter process is recommended.
The technical-economical index will make a new breakthrough when regrinding further and adding collectors into bulk flotation process.
The operator's operation through observing artificially floatation froth has not met the computer control requirement in flotation process.
The pulp level of flotation cell is a very important technological index in flotation process, on whose control there are high requirements.
The morphologies of fibers and ink particles of the deinking pulp of mixed office waste paper before and after flotation process were investigated.
The reagents consumption advised by this system stabilizes the flotation process, and increases the recoveries. It is practicable in industrial process.
The unstable index behaved in flotation process research on Shizhuyuan low grade, complicated chemical composition fluorite bored researchers for a long time.
Especially the use of strongly magnetic - the flotation process some mines hematite sorting reached grade iron ore, iron ore recovery satisfaction indicators.
Influence on grinding process, classification process, flotation process and the indexes by recycle water in one copper concentrator are studied in this paper.
Abstract: The problems of air flotation process to remove algae in waterworks are summarized. The causes are dis-cussed and counter-measurements are suggested.
The influence of slimes on flotation process, action mechanism of sodium sulphide and amine flotation mechanism are also discussed in the light of testing results.
FP-01 flotation froth picture processing system is introduced and the prospect of applications of picture processing technique in flotation process control is predicted.
介绍了FP - 0 1浮选泡沫图像处理系统;指出了图像处理技术在浮选过程控制中的应用前景。
The influences of column diameter and height on the countercurrent flotation process were discussed, and the new concepts of choked air bubbles and area load were put forward.
Experimental results showed that applying selective flotation process and optimum reagent condition can efficiently separate the lead-zinc minerals and obtain lead concentrate of 63.
Aiming at the difficulty of online measurement of mineral recovery in mineral flotation process, a recovery prediction method based on froth features extraction is proposed in this paper.
Based on the study of the physiochemical properties of the hematite ore to be tested, it was determined to use high intensity magnetic separation-flotation process to treat the hematite ore.
The aeration flotation process is a new application to the activated sludge processes. The final tank USES dissolved air flotation instead of sedimentation, and is combined with the aeration tank.
The solution for series problems including middling has perfected the magnetite cationic reverse flotation process by flotation column, opening a wider prospect for the application of this process.
Through preconcentration, there is an great increase of the net value of the resources over the flotation process with no preconcentration, and the ratio of profit to output value increases from 9.
The properties of Yun Long refractory silver-copper ore are summarized. The feasibility as well as the pilot test result of the acid leaching-sulfide precipitation flotation process is demonstrated.
The properties of Yun Long refractory silver-copper ore are summarized. The feasibility as well as the pilot test result of the acid leaching-sulfide precipitation flotation process is demonstrated.