The present price fluctuation in the world market have necessitate the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel.
When commercial Banks get involved in stock market directly or indirectly, the fluctuation of stock price will affect their assets' quality and consequently their balance sheet and stability.
In electricity market, the different markets have different price fluctuation and stochastic changing characteristics of revenue rate.
In service period, we still does not deceived, because market price fluctuation, malicious competition and influence our industry the quality of the service.
The stock market is a factor market full of uncertainty where the rapid flow of information and capital leads to frequent price changes which in turn results in market fluctuation.
By establishing bivariate regression model, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the correlativity between CHIBOR and price fluctuation in securities market.
The market and price fluctuation trend from electric power and chemical industries will also influence natural gas demand price fluctuation trend in return.
Affected by the fluctuation of market price index, market price should fall into a value range which is in line with the "most possible value".
The moving of the security-price in market can be set apart into two parts: the directional moving has obvious trend, and the stochastic fluctuation has no trend.
The paper investigates the influence of price limit on price fluctuation and market liquidity in the light of the financial market microstructure theory.
We investigate the fluctuation of price process in a stock market with Ising model and the mean field theory, and construct the corresponding random logarithmic price returns process.
The price limiting mechanism (PLM) aims to limit the range of daily fluctuations of stock prices in order to reduce stock market fluctuation and enhance market efficiency.
The paper concludes that the price signal in land market is one of the important factors of the fluctuation of newly-built housing price.
The paper concludes that the price signal in land market is one of the important factors of the fluctuation of newly-built housing price.