A basic outline asking them about their form of representation, a timeline outlining each partner's responsibility and their focus.
In the end, it is the responsibility of everyone associated with a piece of software to keep security a focus and to try to mitigate vulnerabilities.
When you accept responsibility for your actions, you are able to focus on your positive traits (responsibility being one of them).
Taken as a whole, the Suggestions in Manage Your Day-to-Day urge us to take responsibility for our own time and energy by not letting email or other forms of reactivity blunt our focus.
This enables certified public accountants and accounting firms audit responsibility has become the focus of attention.
The existing problems focus in the legal responsibility in the forms, the validity, the bail, the collective contract and the violation of the labor contract.
The focus of controversy in this case is whether to continue to fulfill the contract and how to bear the responsibility for breach of contract.
The energy demands the focus of global leaders on issues of racial tension, freedom versus responsibility, and equality as it eases the pressures of 2010.
DRDO by indulging in such irrelevant activities lost its focus and sight of its primary responsibility.
We focus more on towers under design and construction and difficult problems of cooling tower. Speeding up their success is our responsibility.
Economic law focused on no-fault liability and responsibility of equitable responsibility, with a particular focus on the equitable responsibility.
The company is in compliance with the social responsibility, corporate social responsibility to evaluate the extent and intensity, but also businesses and the whole society the focus of attention.
The proposals about the second generation of principal responsibility system in this article focus on four aspects: from externally-controlled schools to self-managing schools;
That said; it is our responsibility to show the world as it is and to focus on issues of importance, always.
In recent years, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become the focus of attention of the whole society.
If a player activates a theatre HQ inside a theatre zone of operation then this theatre will assume responsibility for the whole zone, you can supply it specific objectives to give to focus as well.
Task level TNA should focus on analysis of both job responsibility and job requirements, as well as refining of training needs factors.
Because of our own responsibility, vision and focus on the creation of hitherto unknown solutions and ideas, to become the world's leading manufacturer of valves.
The phenomenon civil servants focus on power but shirk responsibility and oversight mistakes in appointment of civil servants have been formed but no one will bear the responsibility.
And focus measures had been taken. Results: nursing records quality flaw related to poor responsibility of nursing staffs.
And focus measures had been taken. Results: nursing records quality flaw related to poor responsibility of nursing staffs.