Then, focus your attention on activities that lead to achieving those goals.
If that sounds like you, maybe it's time to focus your attention on what's important.
This will narrow your choices and focus your attention on the wines in your price range.
Once you are relaxed, focus your attention on the music and see what images come into your mind.
Now grab the Direct Selection Tool (A) and focus your attention on the most top set of ellipses.
Would it focus your attention on making sure you did the things? That were most important to you?
You're no stranger to goal setting, Capricorn, and now it's time to focus your attention on your cash flow.
Once you've decided to focus your attention on the important, become more aware of distractions as they come up.
By setting goals, you focus your attention on a target which, in turn, focuses your mind on finding ways to get there.
But anyway, not only does this person take on special meaning, you focus your attention on them. You aggrandize them.
Get rid of distractions like E-mail and your cell phone during this time and focus your attention on your learning goals.
Get rid of distractions like email and your cell phone during this time and focus your attention on your learning goals.
You begin your presentation and you focus your attention on the boss. After all, she's the one you have to convince, right?
Either way, this cuts down on where you have to look and lets you focus your attention on the most likely locations of the bug.
Have an idea of how much you want to spend. This will narrow your choices and focus your attention on the wines in your price range.
Always focus your attention on the present moment. Your past does not determine your future-that comes from what you do in this exact moment.
You may then experience the thoughts and emotions that you have as a cloud surrounding you, a cloud that you can focus your attention on or not.
Concentrate on what they are saying — actively focus your attention on their words, their ideas and their feelings as they relate to the subject.
专注于他们说什么- - -注意他们的措辞,他们的想法,他们的感受,这些直接与主题相关。
Concentrate on what they are saying, actively focus your attention on their words, their ideas, and their feelings as they relate to the subject.
Concentrate on what they are saying — actively focus your attention on their words, their ideas and their feelings as they relate to the subject.
The camouflage is so craftily executed and created by the inner self that you must, by necessity, focus your attention on the physical reality which has been created.
Can you focus your attention on what you are doing at any moment, or are you constantly distracted by all kinds of thoughts, negative thinking or negative expectations?
As a mortal being you are limited, but as a child of God you are unlimited... Focus your attention on God, and you shall have all the power you want, to use in any direction.
Focus your attention on protein-rich chicken, salmon, turkey and Greek yogurt for after your workout when your muscles are more receptive to the powerful muscle-building affects of protein.
Start at the top of your head and focus your attention on your face, your eyes, the coolness of air when you breathe in, the warmth when you breathe out, the tension in your face, and so on.
Signal confidence by offering a firm handshake, adds Wendy Alfus Rothman, President of Wenroth Consulting Inc., an executive coaching firm in New York. Focus your attention on the interviewer.
For example, on the way home, focus your attention outside of yourself, instead of thinking about the problems you have to deal with.
If success depends of effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most.
If success depends of effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most.