"More Comity" means seeking for fair competitions of sports and common progress.
Embroidery was an elegant task for fair ladies who were forbidden to go out of their home.
How to provide a reliable measurement for fair value remains an urgent issue for fair value accounting.
Why? Because you can't right all of the wrongs, and you won't ever be at peace if you are looking for fair.
But as everybody now knows, it was fit only for fair-weather sailing, with an anarchic crew and no lifeboat.
After financial instruments, measurement of non-current assets has become a new field for fair value accounting.
Performance assessment is a value for measuring input and output of human resources, and a management rule for fair competition.
Should work out standards for fair transaction, publicity and competition, and should have measures to protect customers information.
As members of society, psychiatrists must advocate for fair and equal treatment of the mentally ill, for social justice and equity for all.
作为社会的成员,精神病医师应倡导为精神病者提供公平和同等治疗, 倡导为整个人类的社会正义和公正。
Universal coverage: For fair and efficient systems, all people must have access to health care according to need and regardless of ability to pay.
China will pursue energy imports and exports, and improve policies for fair trade in accordance with its commitments to the WTO and the WTO rules.
Our gifted photographers are among those who care about animals for fair; and the evidence is the gallery of images collected in our today showcase.
The need for fair methods that can assess the validation of clustering results is becoming more and more critical in cluster analysis applications.
The Office for Fair Access was set up to monitor university admissions after a row about the scarcity of working-class youngsters at Oxbridge colleges.
The paper devises and implements a algorithm for fair scheduling many ports in router—packet segmentation based round robin scheduling algorithm (PSRR).
This scheme periodically measures the metrics in local buffer of router, and calculates the scheduling weights for fair bandwidth allocation among the queues.
If a university fails to meet its targets, it could be fined or have its permission to charge future students high fees revoked by the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).
The need for fair wages has become a sensitive topic in places where care for just arrangements can be easily neglected. It is at the root of serious social unrest.
Putting her in this position does create a space for fair comment on her role and behavior at the hearings, much like political wives who campaign for their husbands.
Theresponse of honest firms is to distinguish themselves by building long-term relationshipswith their customers and establishing a name for fair dealing and financial integrity.
Fair value often appears in accounting standards and practice of some countries as well as the shift of attitude for fair value in world main standards setting organizations.
For a day, a weekend, a week, up to even a month or two, Chinese companies are willing to pay high prices for fair-faced foreigners to join them as fake employees or business partners.
For a day, a weekend, a week, up to even a month or two, Chinese companies are willing to pay high prices for fair-faced foreigners to join them as fake employees or business partners.
It calls for fair price, high-quality product and service, and meanwhile all parties should enhance relation and communication in many aspects such as economics, technology and society.
Basic institutions are the bases forming the efficient price system of the market, the platform for fair deal, and also mechanism protecting the interests of the main wealth of the market.
In court documents filed in the Fisher case, Harvard says a victory for the plaintiffs in the Students for Fair Admissions lawsuit would overturn its efforts to build a racially diverse class.
In court documents filed in the Fisher case, Harvard says a victory for the plaintiffs in the Students for Fair Admissions lawsuit would overturn its efforts to build a racially diverse class.