If some wish remains unfulfilled we must show our confidence in Him, for he knows best.
For he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
Higher Universal man never waits for he knows that it is counterproductive and soul deserting.
The watcher looks on impassively, unlike those around him, for he knows that this is not the end of the world.
God's message to us is not, "Be strong and of good courage," for He knows our strength and courage have fled away.
It cannot come from himself, for he knows something about the analyst, now that he has liquidated, as they say, his positive transference.
This complicates the mechanics, but provides the driver with a security blanket, for he knows he will never be stranded if he can find a petrol station.
The letter of credit also protects the buyer, for he knows that he will not be called upon for payment by his bank until the evidence shows that the shipment has actually been effected.
A smart man knows to learn a lesson from his falls for he knows that every setback is a precious experience leading to happiness in the future. He will not waste his time in critizing others.
He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government.
I know this is a joke, and he knows I know, so even as he gets up to leave, I keep waiting for the wink.
Chris knows that a new job for a purchasing and maintenance manager for the whole company will be open in a few months, and he would like to be promoted to the job.
Now he knows he's in the driver's seat and can wait for a better deal.
He knows he's wishing for the impossible.
My father has worked in a panda protection center for 10 years, so he knows a lot about panda.
Although Zhong Nanshan knows COVID-19 is more dangerous to old people, he cares little for his own safety.
He says while he knows it's good for him, he, like many of us, can't find the time. He's just too busy.
I know, and he knows I know, so even as he gets up to leave, I keep waiting for the wink.
Abroad he lived abroad for many years, he knows several foreign languages.
The average man is not needy for the supermodel du jour, because although she might be a perfect vehicle for his genes he knows he doesn't stand a chance.
I believe the police officer should apologize to me for what he knows he did that was wrong, "Gates said in a phone interview from Martha's Vineyard."
Not long ago, when his cat died, he cried and understood grief for the first time, but he knows he is difficult to live with because he cannot grasp what others are feeling.
It is the business of the scientist to accumulate knowledge about the universe and all that is in it, and to find, if he is able, common factors which underlie and account for the facts that he knows.
But the day he decides he wants help, he knows what to do: ask for the social worker.
But the day he decides he wants help, he knows what to do: ask for the social worker.