Small part dimension and tolerance? Low weight? Adaptation of machine performance to the parts? Flexible machine configuration (many molds suitable for one machine)? Stable quality, reproducibility.
Since there is only one additional machine in our network, we need to copy the configuration over only once, but you could repeat the process for each machine in your network.
For a solution that will be scaled out, one call of the applications might end up in one machine and the subsequent call can end up in another machine.
You might set variables to one collection of values for one kind of machine and set the values to another collection for a system of an alternate flavor.
Recommendation: We suggest using at least one dedicated machine for production-time test runs.
As with the state machine, the partners available depend on the references in the assembly diagram; there is one partner for each reference.
The ability to quickly move a virtual server from one machine to another as needs change is a big win for IT departments.
One port for each logical partition is required and each machine will need to reserve the same ports.
For partitioned environments, it is recommended that you create a separate DB2 home file system on one of the machine in the cluster to be used as the instance home directory.
对于分区环境,建议在集群中的一台机器上创建一个单独的DB 2主文件系统,用作实例主目录。
One of its first exports to China was a personal X-ray machine for the use of the last emperor which was only recently discovered in a storage room in the Forbidden City.
其最早出口到中国的商品包括一台末代皇帝溥仪御用X光机。 此机最近才于紫禁城一处储物间里被发现。
For example, a network problem may exist on one of the NICs within a bond the virtual machine is on.
例如,有一台虚拟机使用了一个bond 设备,可能其中的一个NIC 出现了问题而导致网络问题。
In one machine, for example, mistakenly entering a number with two decimal points-like 1.2.3-might be read by the machine as 1.23, or as a 123.
The master value is the one set globally for all PHP scripts on your machine by a php.ini directive.
主值是通过php .ini指令为您机器上的所有php脚本全局设置的值。
One of the most common requirement during systems administration is to efficiently work with zip files for managing backups or to move a set of files from one machine to the other.
At current price, the electric bill alone for jut one machine could top 0 million per year, ay Richard Murphy, computer architect at Sandia National Laboratorie.
A machine running AFS File Server needs to have at least one partition or logical volume for storing AFS Volumes.
The last scheme for adding security to your machine is the boldest one. You will close the open port making your machine virtually impregnable to any attack.
Human judges have since been asked to distinguish between two correspondents, one man, one machine, in a competition held every year for the past two decades.
Can different users on a single host see different versions, or should there be a single one for the entire machine?
One of the programming problems most likely to call for an explicit state machine involves processing text files.
This is one of the old issues with XML, that it is used for both data (machine-readable information) and content (human-legible text).
However, it's not for everyone and I was concerned that, not surprisingly, use of the pedal machine decreased gradually over the one month trial period as enthusiasm waned.
If, for example, one solution USES up all network connections to a remote host that executes extremely slowly, those connections are no longer available to other solutions running on the same machine.
Just as in the old days you could either ignore a ringing phone or allow it to go on to the answer machine, so today it's quite possible to put your emails to one side until you're ready for them.
First of all, it does not help any one looking for a formal machine-readable description.
They provide a terse syntax for specifying complex matches, one which is typically translated into a state machine behind the scenes for optimum performance.
Today each developer usually has their own machine but it's rare for a developer to have more than one.
For example, if only one organization had a fax machine, it would not prove very useful.
The security and administrative advantages are significant; for instance, there's simply no way for an attacker who's penetrated one virtual machine to affect another.
For one thing, most hospitals already have an MRI machine, so there is no need to construct or buy additional equipment.