It is therefore important to understand how this force works to bring it to use to create a life that fulfills you.
Only 4 percent of Japan's labor force works in agriculture, but a reverence for the country's rice-farming heritage is strong.
RobertMcKee:I have long admired and closely studied tour de force works such as farewell my concubine by Chen Kaige and JU DOU by Zhang Yimou.
The method, developed with support from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Packard Foundation, works by changing the programming that controls an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
Dr. Lin, who works for a nutrition supplement producer, said Frito-Lay’s response back then was a “macho show of force” by an otherwise responsible company.
What was important to me was the force, and clarity and power of [Reich's] early works, and the daring.
Made of foam and force sensors, Impress works with both touch and the intensity of pressure.
The interior has demographic depth: Anhui alone has a population of 62m, about three-quarters of Vietnam's (although about a fifth of its Labour force already works outside its borders).
The discount for the integrated price is usually determined by the pricing leader, who works closely with the company sales force.
External balanced thermal expansion valve works is based on the basis of force balance.
Persistent users can force Application Developer to do the work by repeatedly initiating the build process until it completes (this sometime works).
有耐心的用户可以强制Application Developer通过重复开始构造过程直到构造完成(有时会有效果)。
Sensible regulations are in the works in the us and Europe to increase transparency and force contracts through clearing houses.
This works because you are not exerting a lot of force with each push-off and fatigue will not be as big of an issue.
The resilience, tenacity and thriving force of feminine vigor find rich expression in her works, although in a very subtle way and under the mask of peacefulness and mildness.
Aiming at these problems, this paper studies how the original error affects the accuracy, works out its allowable values, and finds out the equation between friction of pins and clamping force.
Dialect as a general expansion force, in recent years the cultural trend, quickly into the movie and television culture field, many works have become manifest dialect specific samples.
The illusion works with mechanical force, call it friction, wearing away at the sensibility.
The friction force in the clutch works just like the blocks in the frication section of brake, except that the spring presses on the clutch plate instead of weight pressing the block into the ground.
He works on the sales force of a manufacturing company.
As the third part of these series works, the present paper deals with a piezoelectric cantilever beam subjected to a transverse concentrated force at the free end.
It has great explanative force in the field of interpretation in literary works and translation.
Unlike other heart-failure devices, the Optimizer works by strengthening the pumping force of the heart.
As you build your knowledge of how weather works, you'll delve into remarkable meteorological phenomena that offer a window into the mysterious force of nature.
A piece of works with artistic expressive force is brilliant and vivid.
Big roc is frequently employed in Chinese ancient literary works to represent the image of strong vital force.
Big roc is frequently employed in Chinese ancient literary works to represent the image of strong vital force.