Since formulaic language covers a wide range of subjects, it becomes a quite important element in linguistic study.
Prefabricated phrases are exemplars acquiring wholly and saving in long-term memory, including formulaic language and patterns etc.
Chapter three sees the role of formulaic language in nativelike selection and nativelike fluency in the process of speech communication.
This paper reports two studies on how the use of formulaic language and that of grammar serve to predict L2 English learners' spoken and written performance.
本文分析在英语口头复述故事和限时写作中, 词块知识、语法知识与口语和写作水平之间的关系。
Results show that 1) the learners' ability to use formulaic language is a better predictor of their oral and written English scores than their grammatical accuracy;
结果表明:(一) 相对于语法而言,学习者运用词块的能力与英语口语成绩和写作成绩具有更加显著的相关性;
This paper probes into several issues in the field of formulaic language study by presenting the present situation of research and a variety of terms and definitions.
We use the notion of formulaic sequences to generalize the formulaicity of certain language forms.
FS (Formulaic Sequences) are widespread in language and have a variety of usages and functions, and therefore play an important role in second language acquisition and language teaching.
Since formulaic sequences help language users achieve fluency and idiomaticity, research is needed in how L2 learners acquire and process them.
Formulaic sequence holds an important part in natural language use, but the research of it has long been ignored because formulaic sequence seems to be the equivalent of behaviorism.
Formulaic sequence holds an important part in natural language use, but the research of it has long been ignored because formulaic sequence seems to be the equivalent of behaviorism.