"We don't make anything anymore," he told Fox News, while defending his own made-in-Mexico clothing line.
Mr Murdoch built Fox News from the ground up.
Let's get back to scoring soundbites on Fox News.
让我们回来评价一下福克斯新闻网(Fox News)的原话。
Later, Fox News announced the tweets were removed.
Durbin spoke on the Fox News Sunday television program.
Bonior appeared on the Fox News Sunday television program.
It is another popular news channel of USA after CNN and FOX news.
He has begun to share such opinions in Washington and on Fox News.
This news broadcasting channel is also referred as FNC or Fox News.
Liberals would do almost anything to bring down the Fox News Channel.
Fox News has left its impact on more than 100 million houses of the USA.
In a recent Fox News interview Ron Pauldescribed his bill as follows.
Think Fox News on steroids—but at another place altogether on the spectrum.
At other times, Fox News appears guided by a philosophy of Keep Fear Alive.
Friend and actor Joe Pesci told Fox News: "He was a fun kid and did so much."
生前好友影星Joe Pesci告诉福克斯新闻说:“他是一个有趣的人,也做了很多事情。”
Dear Fox News: SEO Is Not Search Engine Scamming (Unless You're Scamming Yourself)?
Bill Shine, the number two at Fox News, thinks these two characteristics are related.
Sandra Chavez, who is getting married in September in Pleasanton, Calif. told Fox News
Republican Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona spoke on the Fox News Sunday television program.
亚利桑那州的共和党联邦参议员在福克斯星期日新闻(《Fox News Sunday》)节目中作上述表示。
This would have come as a surprise to Bill o 'reilly, the host of a Fox News programme.
这应该出乎fox新闻节目主持人比尔·奥雷利(Billo ' Reilly)的意料之外。
Fox News Channel announced it would no longer run the disturbing audio and images of the gunman.
Fox News频道宣布将不再播放凶手的图像和录音。
You can determine the amount of poison in your brain by measuring the time you spent watching Fox news.
Fox News representatives and Roger Friedman met today and mutually agreed to part ways immediately.
今天,FOX NEWS的代理人和罗杰·弗里德曼进行了会面。双方就立即解约达成了共识。
"They (the trains) would run on the hour but not as many as would run on a normal weekday," Cole told Fox News.
Fox News' vice president, Bill Shine, has described the channel as "the voice of the opposition on some issues".
The Fox News Channel became a huge success in America by filling a gap in the market for conservative commentary.
"Fox News often operates either as the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican party," she said.
"Fox News often operates either as the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican party," she said.