There are two aspects of the free-rider problem apparent in this simple mathematical model.
Since their lobbying will enhance returns for all shareholders, it creates a free-rider problem.
The lack of incentive for individuals to contribute to a social good is known as a free-rider problem.
Due to the free-rider problem, the team fall into prisoners 'dilemma, and the efficiency of team is too low to attain high synergy effect.
A possible solution to the free-rider problem is to write a corporate charter that allows the raider, once he takes over the firm, to dilute the share value of the non-tendering shareholders.
Based on modularity, it can split the labor's value as well as divide the work; what's more, the free rider problem will be better solved.
Based on modularity, it can split the labor's value as well as divide the work; what's more, the free rider problem will be better solved.