DB2 Enterprise 9: Download a free trial version.
DB 2Enterprise9:下载它的免费试用版。
Download a free trial version of DB2 Enterprise 9.
下载DB 2Enterprise9的免费试用版。
Download a free trial version of DB2 Enterprise 9.5.
下载DB 2Enterprise 9的免费试用版。
Download a free trial version of DB2 Enterprise 9 Now you can use DB2 for free.
下载DB 2Enterprise9的免费试用版。现在可以免费使用DB2。
The free trial version of DgDiscover from Dataguise now supports DB2 environments.
来自Dataguise的免费试用版dgdiscover现在支持DB 2环境。
However, you can download a free trial version of DB2 9 Enterprise Edition if you wish.
但可以下载DB 29企业版的免费试用版。
Refer to the Resources section to download a free trial version of DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
从参考资料部分可以下载DB2 9.7for Linux,UNIX,and Windows的免费试用版。
Refer to the Resources section for a link you can use to download a free trial version of DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
使用 参考资料小节提供的链接下载DB2 9.7for Linux,UNIX,and Windows 的免费试用版。
However, you will get more out of the tutorial if you download the free trial version of IBM DB2 9 to work along with this tutorial.
但若您下载免费的IBMDB 29试用版,并将其与教程配合使用,可更好地掌握教程中介绍的内容。
You are currently using the free trial version of "Sub-unit of practice" and "higher Chinese exercises" with limited use of online question's bank.
If you do not have a server and client, Part 1 describes how to get a trial version of the Rational Team Concert server and a free version of the Rational Team Concert client.
如果您没有服务器和客户端,那么第1部分描述了怎样得到RationalTeamConcert服务器的一个试用版本,和Rational Team Concert客户端的免费版本。
If you don't have an instance of Rational Team Concert server, you can download a free 60-day trial version from jazz.net.
如果您并没有RationalTeam Concert服务器的实例,您可以从jazz.net下载一个60天的免费试用版。
Lastly, they've just created a free, 7 day trial version of SEO Elite, so you can download a fully functional, 7 day trial version of this powerful SEO software for free!
Norton offers a "free trial ware version". Microsoft offers a free "trial" of many of their software offerings. What are your thoughts on this?
The app has a fully functional ad-supported trial, and costs $1.99 for the ad-free version.
Corel Videostudio Pro X9 can be expected to be released in the first half of the year and all users will then have access to the trial version for free.
会声会影x 9可望在今年上半年发布,届时,所有用户都可以免费体验试用版。
Corel Videostudio Pro X9 can be expected to be released in the first half of the year and all users will then have access to the trial version for free.
会声会影x 9可望在今年上半年发布,届时,所有用户都可以免费体验试用版。