The results showed that Jinfu seed coating had no bad effect on the growth of kidney bean and plant fresh weight was added above 10%.
The leaf age was not significantly positive correlation with leaf ratio of dry to fresh weight.
There was no significant difference in the ratio of dry weight to fresh weight among the plants.
With the water stress degree intensifying, the influence on the aerial parts fresh weight increased.
The ADCME treatments showed lower fresh weight and plant height but more open flowers 'than the Contrast.
The effect is obvious on weed control with black film mulched, the fresh weight of weed in field is reduced 70.
利用黑色地膜覆盖防草效果明显 ,田间杂草鲜重比与黑膜同材质的透明地膜覆盖减少 70 。
The fresh weight of panicle and stem at the heading stage was correlated positively to spikelet number per panicle;
The height, root length, leaf number, fresh weight of the rice seeding were all significantly higher than the control.
The changes of leaf ratio of dry to fresh weight in flue-cured tobacco green leaves during the field growth were studied.
In this paper, effects of mineral elements and organic matter on garlic bulb fresh weight and allicin content in bulb were studied.
The number of leaves, the length of stem and root, the fresh weight of shoot and root system were inhibited with the increase of salinity.
The change of leaf fresh weight for Acacia auriculaeformis was greater than that of Acacia cincinata during leaf water potential fall down.
Sugarbeet grown very well when the bio phosphate fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer mixed and sprayed, fresh weight of plant increased 103.
The results showed that the growth curves of fruit fresh weight, volume and vertical and horizontal diameter presented single 'S-shape' trend.
Effects of shading treatment on the fresh weight of the tuber and on the relation between the endogenous hormone and the tuber growing were studied.
Fresh weight, volume and diameter of 'Kyoho' grape berry was measured during berry growth in 1990-1992 and relations among the parameters were studied.
The maximum control of visual and fresh weight of broadleaf weeds were increased by 42% and 41%, and those of grass weeds were increased by 42% and 42%.
It is important to study and compare the relationship between root fresh weight, aboveground biomass and protein content with different varieties soybean.
The result of stepwise regression analysis show that the orders are leaf fresh weight, leaf area, petiole length, leaf dry weight, leaf width and leaf length.
Compared with the PEG group, seedling and root length, fresh weight and RWC (%) were increased by 17.9%, 26.2%, 43.1% and 32.7% in the AOS group, respectively.
The following results are of great importance: (1) the oxidation power of roots in wide—space planting keeps a reasonable level (lower by 17.5%—36.1% per gram fresh weight).
尤以以下三方面的结果更具有意义。 (1) 水稻每克鲜根的氧化力低于对照17.5%—36.1%。
The relative genetic progress of fruit flesh thickness, fruit dry weight and fruit fresh weight was higher, which could be improved efficiently by fewer generation selections.
The yiede is in direct proportion to the plant height, diameter of stem, thincknessof cortex, fresh weight of the stem and rate of fibres output per unite of the fresh cortex.
As water adversity time goes on, root fresh weight, leaf fresh weight and so on, the difference between the treatment and the water adversity treatment becomes bigger and bigger.
Importantly, transgenic plants accumulated higher fresh weight under long-term osmotic stress, and also have shown retention of more water than the wild type during drought stress.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus level on total fresh weight and fresh weight of edible stems of Salicornia bigelovii Torr.
采用田间试验研究了不同氮磷水平对北美海蓬子生长和品质的影响。 结果表明,氮、磷肥及其适量配合施用,北美海蓬子的总鲜质量和菜用产量都显著或极显著增加;
The results are as follows: N fertilizer was the major factor on the number of leaf, fibrous root, and the fresh weight of root and leaf, K fertilizer and P fertilizer then followed.
Chromium treatment significantly decreased nodule Numbers, nodule fresh weight, leghemoglobin content and nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) activity per plant or per gram of nodules.
Chromium treatment significantly decreased nodule Numbers, nodule fresh weight, leghemoglobin content and nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) activity per plant or per gram of nodules.