This younger man in October of his freshman year said something like the following.
In a New York Times article, Sam Boakye—the only black student on his freshman year floor—said that "if you're surrounded by whites, you have something to prove."
This young man, in October of his freshman year, said something like the following.
This is not to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our freshman year.
They have to select their courses by themselves starting from freshman year.
She was a member of a tight knit group of friends that we met our freshman year.
In his freshman year, Huipe's parents put some of his educational expenses on credit CARDS.
It was my freshman year of college and I wandered around by myself feeling homesick and sad.
During my freshman year, I attended the introductory meeting for a campus literary magazine.
And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor's thesis.
I signed up for Facebook just before my freshman year of college - then left it untouched for months.
At the start of the freshman year, finding a job after graduation is probably the last thing on your mind.
There, during his freshman year, he met Mark Zuckerberg, a smart kid who had this cool idea for a Web site.
I've been on two real dates in my life, both of them in my freshman year of college, nearly a quarter century ago.
Patterson said he has taken 18 hours every semester since his freshman year as well as nine hours each summer.
Once upon a time, during her freshman year of design college, Phan applied for a gig at a local lancome counter.
The study focused on 144 female college students who were randomly assigned roommates at the start of freshman year.
One of my goals for freshman year was to run a mile in under 5 minutes - a respectable time for a high school runner.
I was walking to my seat at a basketball game my freshman year and noticed a cute guy with sky-blue eyes watching me.
During my freshman year in high school my parents and I decided that it was in my best interest to partake in a sport.
The first day of freshman year, I look down at my schedule and see the name "Gustavo Benedetti" next to my Spanish class.
Facebook doesn't exist, even as a walled-garden college social network (Mark Zuckerberg was in his freshman year at Harvard).
I would never slight Mariam. One of my closest friends in freshman year, she was also a below average, non-college bound student.
Six months after that I began my freshman year at St. Mary's College of Maryland - and became a proud member of the swim team.
Instead of enjoying a care-free freshman year, Chen took a part-time job in a local sports club to support her tuition and expenses.
Instead of enjoying a care-free freshman year, Chen took a part-time job in a local sports club to support her tuition and expenses.