It would also become less stressful and more predictable given that the business needs would no longer come 'from out of the blue'.
This means that no business changes in the Business Architecture may appear 'from out of the blue'; they have to be considered in the Architecture Vision first.
American auto-assembly plants were the envy of every nation. (I'd driven out to Levittown in my new blue Plymouth, paid for out of my earnings from research.)
So I was surprised to get a call from my dad that evening (when am I going to learn to stop taking out-of-the-blue calls?).
About two hours and 80 miles out from Blenheim, the train began to run alongside the blue of the Pacific.
Gavin, from the Blue Mountains, near Sydney, Australia, added: 'the herd of goats were being looked after by a young teenage shepherd, who you can just make out behind the tree.
Then, on Sunday night, quite out of the blue, I received an email from her.
I hadn't heard from him in months, and then out of the blue he called.
Out of the blue, Mrs Nash received a telephone call from Tamazin Simmonds - the assistant buyer for the film - enquiring about the handmade hazel and birch brooms.
The week after I graduated from high school, my father announced to my mother out of the blue that he wanted a divorce.
The star was David Weinberger, a brilliant 26-year-old PhD student in philosophy, who submitted some jokes out of the blue and won instant praise from Woody.
Years later, around August 2009, Tomlinson got a call out of the blue from Bharara's mother, who wanted to know if she was the same Barbara Tomlinson who had taught her son Preet at Ranney.
Will you start out sweet as sugar candy and then suddenly, miraculously, like a bolt from the blue, find that sharp little tongue of yours?
Hope to go out from the porthole, have alert: dy seen the sea water of last deep blue in the ground, and Japanese archipelago of probably outline.
So why go diving? Transport yourself for a moment into outer space and look back at where you came from. You were on a tiny speck of land sticking up out of the vast oceans of a blue planet.
Child psychiatrists have long known that sometimes O. C. D. in children can be like that, that it can come on fast, out of the blue, like a plague, and then last anywhere from days to months.
A letter came today, totally out of the blue, from a lawyer who said that an uncle I hadn't heard from in years had died and left me a million dollars.
There is another guest who turned up out of the blue from Canada the other day.
Hearing from the doctor that we have cancer and the prognosis is not good at all. Or out of the blue, your spouse decided to leave you for another person.
如果医生的诊断报告我们得了癌症 ,并且前景不乐观,或者你的配偶为了另一个人而离开下你,我们会有天都要塌下来的感觉。
What I remember most is the special warmth from those hands as he would take me by the shoulder and point out the glittering swoop of a blue hawk, or a rabbit asleep in its lair.
Inside the infinite darkness, there are lights wrapped the place into a different atmosphere gushing out from blue crystals and piercing eyes of the living.
When the school day was finally done, and the blush was fading out of my cheeks from the volleyball incident, I changed quickly back into my jeans and navy blue sweater.
Dark blue are the working group of volunteers conducted a number of his "from fear" treatment, and finally to make him out of fear, can be brave to face life.
Vincent Van Gogh's blue-eyed gaze stares out from his self-portrait. The face on the postcards can be seen all over the tourist shops that line the canals of Amsterdam.
Vincent Van Gogh's blue-eyed gaze stares out from his self-portrait. The face on the postcards can be seen all over the tourist shops that line the canals of Amsterdam.